Courses Template

Elevate your managerial capabilities and expand your business acumen with our MBA program. Designed for professionals seeking career advancement, this program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers leadership, strategic management, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship, empowering you to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

Key Information

Award: MBA

Mode of study: Full-Time

Duration: 12 Months

Start Date: Fall 2024

Course Highlights

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Why choose MBA in University of Bolton Islamabad

Course Details:

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Entry Requirements:


Fashion Contexts - Critical Theory 1 (FAS4007)

This module introduces key historical, cultural, political, social, and economic contexts affecting fashion. You will develop research, critical analysis, and writing skills through exploring both historical and contemporary contexts of fashion. Topics include design communication, branding, marketing, and career directions. Emphasis is placed on effective communication, collaboration, and self-awareness.

Fashion Concepts (FAS4008)

This module focuses on foundational fashion design concepts, including idea generation, sketching, and initial design development. You will explore various design processes and develop creative problem-solving skills, emphasizing innovation and personal style.

Fashion Practices 1 (FAS4009)

Learn practical fashion design techniques, focusing on garment construction, pattern making, and sewing. This module provides hands-on experience to develop essential skills required for producing high-quality fashion garments.

Fashion Practices 2 (FAS4010)

Building on Fashion Practices 1, this module covers advanced practical skills in fashion design, including draping, advanced sewing techniques, and garment finishing. It aims to refine your craftsmanship and technical abilities.

Fashion Contexts - Critical Theory 2 (FAS5007)

Continue exploring critical theory in fashion, examining contemporary issues and their impact on fashion design and production. This module enhances your ability to critically analyze and contextualize fashion within a broader cultural framework.

The Fashion Industry - Preparation for Placement (FAS5008)

Prepare for industry placements with insights into the fashion business, professional practices, and portfolio development. This module focuses on employability skills and practical preparation for entering the fashion industry.

The Client Brief (FAS5009)

Work on real-world projects by responding to client briefs, developing practical solutions, and presenting your work professionally. This module emphasizes collaboration, creativity, and industry engagement.

Design Identity (FAS5010)

Develop your unique design identity and brand, focusing on personal style, market positioning, and professional presentation. This module helps you build a distinct creative voice and professional presence.

Fashion Contexts - Research in Context (FAS6007)

Conduct in-depth research into specific fashion contexts, using academic and industry sources to inform your design work. This module enhances your research skills and ability to apply findings to creative practice.

Fashion Practices - Concept to Collection (FAS6008)

Take a concept from initial idea through to a complete fashion collection, encompassing all stages of the design and production process. This module focuses on the practical application of design theory and skills.

Major Project - Final Collection (FAS6009)

Undertake a major project to create your final collection, showcasing your skills, creativity, and professional readiness. This capstone module integrates all learning aspects into a comprehensive design project.

Elective Modules: N/A
Optional Modules: N/A


Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews Learn more

Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews

Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews

Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews

Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews

Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews


Graduates can pursue careers in fashion design, garment technology, fashion buying and merchandising, fashion marketing and PR, and fashion journalism. The BA (Hons) Fashion course also equips students with the skills to start their own fashion business.

While prior experience in fashion or a related field can be beneficial, it is not a mandatory requirement. A strong portfolio and a passion for fashion are crucial success factors for your application.

Yes, the BA (Hons) Fashion course includes opportunities for internships and industry placements, allowing students to gain real-world experience and build professional networks.

The BA (Hons) Fashion course is assessed through a combination of practical projects, written assignments, presentations, and portfolio reviews. This ensures a well-rounded evaluation of students’ skills and knowledge.

The BA (Hons) Fashion course is offered as a full-time programme to ensure comprehensive coverage of the curriculum.

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